Quote:Tracy Perlman @Partray
Not an Idol fan, but am packed in like a sardine to see Haley Reinhart at Lord Fletcher's. Great singer / performance!
Quote:Brian Oake @BrianOake
Haley Reinhart has brought out fans by the thousands to #LordFletchers! Wow! #HalienInvasion #YouWillBeAssimilated
Quote:Jasmine Cohen @jasmine_cohen
American idols Haley Reinhart
Now performing "Free"
Renee Bourgeois @renee_bourgeois
Hayley Reinhart live on Cities 97..woah. #talented #sogood
Rich @RLBeezy
@haleyreinhart sounds amazing live!! #OakeontheWater @susienegasi
PJ @PJ_HaleyRfan
I'd say that @haleyreinhart is ready for Lolla #slaying #free
keri noble @kerinoble1
Haley Reinhart is killing it at Oake on the water! I love her!!! @cities97radio @BrianOake @PaulFletcher97
Katie Abrams @Team_Caley
@HaleyReinhart just gave me chills..."Let it be..."
Katie Abrams @Team_Caley
This Free is so freaking good! @HaleyReinhart
Tom M ♫ @GuitarGuy22
I think @HaleyReinhart definitely needs to release an acoustic version of Listen Up!
AC & BB Cockerham @acbbmusic
OMG! best version of #FREE ever! @HaleyReinhart at her finest! #LOVE
DH Haley @haleyscoop
Whoa this versioon of "Free" is really similar to the one @HaleyReinhart rocked on the view. sounds AWESOME!
Quote:Cities 97 @cities97radio
The lovely @haleyreinhart and the equally lovely #Haliens at #OakeOnTheWater -
Quote:Tracy Perlman @Partray
Haley Reinhart killin it for Oake on the Water at Lord Fletcher's. Prob should have can earlier for a better spot...
Quote:Paul Fletcher @PaulFletcher97
@HaleyReinhart givin everything she can to the thousands at #OakeOnTheWater at @LordFletchers with @cities97radio. Bonus songs on site peeps
Quote:Alicia Iaffaldano @AliJoDano
Standing about 8 feet from @HaleyReinhart. It doesn't et better than this!
Quote:Corey Iversen @CoreyIversen
I am being reborn right now at the @HaleyReinhart concert... @erickline8 @_hannah_c @hannahpawlik
Quote:Gretchen @gretchenH_
Haley Reinhart!!!! <3
Quote:Rob Pohlen @BPoh19
@HaleyReinhart unreal performance at fletchers! #backrow #inlove
Quote:Lucas Groskruetz @KreutzHesTall
Constant goosebumps. Honestly so amazing, especially Keep Coming Back! So honored to be first to hear it live! <3 you @haleyreinhart!
Quote:The Real Dylan Moen @DylanTamesLions
@haleyreinhart shook my hand. i think i might die. #starstruck
Wish the stream would have aired "Keep Coming Back." I believe she said that was her dad's favorite. I bet they perform it together at Lolla.
Quote:Reed Grimm @RGrimmAI11
At Lord Fletcher's, Lake Minnetonka, MN. Just got the pleasure of witnessing the gorgeous @HaleyReinhart in her element. #MusicConnects
Quote:Pat @PatAHaleyFan
The beautiful and amazing @HaleyReinhart and the talented @JohnNotto.
![[Image: AzUxjHkCUAAJch_.jpg]](https://p.twimg.com/AzUxjHkCUAAJch_.jpg)
Quote:Katie Hill @katiehill41
She was way good! @haleyreinhart http://instagr.am/p/N124SaABqC/