(08-11-2013, 10:08 AM)makefigure8s Wrote: heh. he sound so stiff in Oh My! at first, but then took off.
(08-11-2013, 02:09 AM)yanni5 Wrote: ^^ Glad you enjoyed it Miguel, I just went back and rewatched that, I didn't notice that the first time. Here's Oh My!
Man, I guess I'm harping on this because it's bothering me.
We all have different Tastes.. but I outline my taste
(EDIT - a bunch of comments about musician's deleted - Keith was not at the performance and that would have also made courtney's job far far harder - also editted the paragraph below to emphasize the thought I had shared in an earlier post RE time together playing.)
I guess
I'm disappointed because --Without a Band that has meshed together on the road- I think Haley ends up fighting her accompaniment I feel like they're working against the way I like Haley to sound .
Haley still sounds great of course.. but she's even more like what I like with Casey and certain other musicians.
*We are talking about a performance without Keith -- and 1 bass player alone doesn't make a band... so the comparison really isn't so much to bag on the guys there but to try to illustrate how important it is.* added
Jacob does start it off.. so ostensibly he could start it right although he'd probably been instructed or something. .. I'm thinking it might have been the dry run that set his expectations.
Watch really carefully at the points when you think he begins to loosen up - he gives a glance to Haley after she sung her first verse and there is a little light(
about 35 seconds in?). His solo is looser, yet still not in the groove the more haley sings th more he begins to groove ...
in particular at about 1:36 he looks over to Haley with what I'd take as a little light-bulb body posture.. and he starts bobbing his head to adjust to the feel she wants. In a bit, Haley gets the crowd clapping and the crowd has got the vibe far better - Jacob breaks out in a broad warm smile for the first time and is suddenly digging it much more and finishes the song much more warmly. (one of the people clapping actually had the vibe right seconds(8 seconds) into the song , clapping on their own and stopping as they keys, bass and sax weren't in that vibe at all yet)
Contrast that to the rhythm these (other) professional guys at this Hotel performance .
Look how the Sax player is snapping his fingers to signal how he's going to start.. he's trying to catch the eyes of the keyboardist to let him know how it's going to go but the key is looking the wrong way.. certainly the drummer saw him. The bass player mimics the crispness. (On the album the drummer is doing the work but I'd expect either the keys or the bass or both to take on that role when haley performs)
and watch the faces of the stirng Bass and the Keyboardist below on
Since I fell for You as they almost say to each other with their eyes.. watch their eyes and smiles and sharp crisp movments on some notes to accent the shuffle.
Shuffle... almost everytime Haley sings she goes into a bit of a shuffle....I really feel like Courtney and Keith aren't going there with her to the degree my ear really craves.
Perhaps you guys don't hear it. Perhaps they (experienced musicians to be sure) don't hear it. Joshua Ledet just made me want to pull my hair out for the lack of nearly any blues shuffle in everything he sang despite the Idol band trying to feed him along with it often. Maybe its something many people under 30 don't even hear.
(but Casey and his band did... Haley does, and strangely enough Jessica Sanchez really can lay it on in appropiate songs in a way I never heard Joshua remotely achieve.)
there was one performance when Courtney (was it courtney?) and Keith did begin to get a groove going ?
Which one?
The one CASEY led the rhythm on...
sort of playing drums on his guitar.
^Awesome ^ (
but still not 100% satisfied - get there with the guys in the hotel or the piano player at Irvin Mayfields and its a step further)