Haley interview #WWOBackstage #Grammy's - Tusk - 02-12-2016
Quote:Adam Bomb™Verified account @adambombshow 2m2 minutes ago
Our girl @HaleyReinhart sat down to chat new music and gum?! Full interview coming soon! #WWOBackstage #GRAMMYs
Quote:Lisa Paige @Imlisapaige 4m4 minutes ago
Remember @haleyreinhart from @americanidol ? She's a doll! Look for her new album out in April… https://www.instagram.com/p/BBs5tprMRv2/
Quote:PopCrush @PopCrush 3m3 minutes ago
Just caught up with @HaleyReinhart to chat about #AmericanIdol's goodbye and her new album! #Grammys #WWOBackstage
RE: Haley interview #WWOBackstage #Grammy's - john - 02-12-2016
^^ I wonder how tall that woman is?
This backstage at the Grammy's thing looks like a little goldmine for Haley to score interviews.
That said, with the convergence of Valentines Day, Haley on Idol, the Grammy's, and her radio tour with shows and interviews, if I were the Wrigley ad people I'd step up the use of her ad this week. But that kind of logic doesn't seem to prevail.
RE: Haley interview #WWOBackstage #Grammy's - Tusk - 02-12-2016
![[Image: 12729507_1714176345533483_1877611382_n.jpg]](https://instagram.fsnc1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t51.2885-15/e35/12729507_1714176345533483_1877611382_n.jpg)
Such a sweetheart @haleyreinhart. Keep an eye out for her album coming out in April! She is also performing at our acoustic cafe in March.
RE: Haley interview #WWOBackstage #Grammy's - InItToWinIt - 02-12-2016
So, how many different things are we talking about here? Are there 2 interviews, one with Adam Bomb and one with Lisa Paigne. And 965tic is 96.5 TIC-FM, which just started playing CHFIL, in Hartford, CT, so it sounds like she be will be preforming there in March.
Regardless, love the mention of an album out in April.
RE: Haley interview #WWOBackstage #Grammy's - Tusk - 02-12-2016
Lots of artists are making the rounds at this show, JoJo, Tori Kelley, a Jonas Brother, Charlie Puth etc.....
We #CantHelpFallingInLove with @haleyreinhart Backstage @thegrammys #Grammys #WWOBackstage @mix1041 #Extra @greggdaniels @greggfredamanda
Quote:NAIL GARDEN @NAILGARDEN 9m9 minutes ago
Great to meet American Idol @haleyreinhart who's excited to try out her new collection of … http://ift.tt/1SMe6Tc
RE: Haley interview #WWOBackstage #Grammy's - Tusk - 02-12-2016
Gregg chattin' it up with @haleyreinhart backstage @ the #Grammys! #wwobackstage
With singer @haleyreinhart
RE: Haley interview #WWOBackstage #Grammy's - 30CamdenSquare - 02-12-2016
Planet Haley has gotten really exciting lately. I'm guessing that since Haley's at the backstage event, that she might also be in the audience at The Grammy's this year.
Also really happy to see more than one of these interviewers use the word "Album" (rather than EP) & I'm dying to watch her interviews, cause I think she's got some good stuff to reveal. 2015 was a great year for Haley but 2016 is starting out even...um...what's the word I'm looking for?...Oh yeah...BETTER!!!
RE: Haley interview #WWOBackstage #Grammy's - Tusk - 02-12-2016
Quote:2016 GRAMMYs @AwardShowNews 1m1 minute ago
. @HaleyReinhart backstage at the GRAMMYsWestwood Radio One Remotes - Day 1.
RE: Haley interview #WWOBackstage #Grammy's - InItToWinIt - 02-12-2016
Here's a link to the audio interview with Gina J of TIX-FM in Hartford.
Once again Haley says the EP is being turned into an album.
RE: Haley interview #WWOBackstage #Grammy's - dswim2 - 02-12-2016
Maybe they can squeeze "listen" in there