RE: Piped music by Haley - Swansteel - 03-11-2013
^I know, Babbs, right? It is very interesting to me how many countries around the world are hearing Haley.
RE: Piped music by Haley - Miguel - 03-19-2013
Quote:Haley Jonay @HaleyJonayMusic
Sitting in Bob Evans when all of a sudden "Free" by @HaleyReinhart starts playing. I may or may not have had a mini jam session.
Quote:Brett Starr 1/1 @Br3tTsTaRr
@HaleyReinhart FREE IS PLAYING IN MICHAELS!y day has been made!
Quote:Maria 2/6 5H OMG!!!! @MariaHalien
@HaleyReinhart HALEY! I heard free playing when I was out shopping today!!! I kinda freaked out lol
Quote:Shelby Goldsmith @shelbygoldsmith
just heard @HaleyReinhart on the radio at sonic! FINALLY. more people should know how incredible her album is.
RE: Piped music by Haley - Tusk - 03-20-2013
Quote:Sarah Filipe@sarahfilipe
Shopping at charlottes russe and @HaleyReinhart's Now That You're Here came on. Ahhh! I shazammed it to prove it!
RE: Piped music by Haley - Miguel - 03-21-2013
Quote:Karen Zúñiga @karenZmusic 13m
@HaleyReinhart I went to the mall and it puted "wasted Tears" and oh man it just made my day!! Congrats haley your music is in southamerica!
RE: Piped music by Haley - Swansteel - 03-21-2013
I LOVE hearing about Haley's music spreading around the world! Booyah!
RE: Piped music by Haley - Miguel - 03-22-2013
Quote:Luann @LuannC3515 55m
Having dinner at TGIF and what comes on but @HaleyReinhart.'s Free! Never get tired of it.
Quote: Alexandra Reinhart @ReinhartHalien 2h
@HaleyReinhart Free was playing in Ulta today and I started dancing around the store!
RE: Piped music by Haley - Miguel - 03-23-2013
Quote:Brigette @LadyBrizzlebee 6m
@HaleyReinhart I'm at the mall & "Hit the Ground Runnin'" just came on! I demand a DANCE PARTY in this dressing room!
RE: Piped music by Haley - Miguel - 03-24-2013
Quote:Kirsten @kirstennnnmarie 1m
Quote:Cruz Santiago @cruzysantiago 18m
RE: Piped music by Haley - Miguel - 03-30-2013
Quote:Annemarie Spiezia @annemarieYAY 2h
Whoooo! I heard one of @HaleyReinhart's songs while shoe shopping & was inspired. I bought the shoes. Today is a good day.
Quote:Tanner Alexander @tanman817 12m
When I'm shopping and Haley Reinhart comes on the radio >>
pm - bonjojet - 04-26-2013
I was in the craft store Michaels yesterday and started hearing "Now that you're Here". My fiance and I looked at each other and were like...Cool. I asked an employee if it was satellite radio and she said "It must be an internal Michael's musical selection because they play the same songs over and over every day." (I'm sure she's sick of every other song but she couldn't possibly get enough of Haley's) It was nice to hear one of her slightly more "obscure" songs randomly on the radio.
My co-worker just told me she heard Haley at TJ Max a few days ago. YAY! :-)