RE: Piped music by Haley - yanni5 - 12-02-2013
I was flying last month to see some customers in Chicago and was in the Las Vegas airport waiting for a connecting flight, and "Free" started playing. It was a great start to a great trip!
RE: Piped music by Haley - Tusk - 12-02-2013
Quote:Alex Krueger @mralexkrueger 28m
@HaleyReinhart omg! I am at Verizon right now and heard u on a Bose sounddock advertisement talkin bout voice clarity! Awesome! Sounds good!
Retweeted by Haley Reinhart
RE: Piped music by Haley - Tusk - 12-05-2013
Quote:Jules Alveria @JulesAlveria 13h
I'm at Zara now and @HaleyReinhart's #Free is playing!!! WIN!!!!!!!
Retweeted by Haley Reinhart
Quote:Kyle Brooks @Taithleach 4h
@HaleyReinhart and @CaseyBassy's Baby Its Cold Outside played at Kroger again and I'm perfectly ok with that
Retweeted by Haley Reinhart
RE: Piped music by Haley - riley - 12-08-2013
I was at Walgreen's today and heard a distinctive voice immediately - Baby it's cold outside played - Yea Caley !!
RE: Piped music by Haley - Miguel - 12-21-2013
Quote:PJ @PJHaleyR 10m
amart25's video of @HaleyReinhart song Hit the Ground Running Best Buy demo
I was at Sam's Club a couple of weeks ago. They had several Bose items with demos. I played them all but there was no Haley to be heard.
RE: Piped music by Haley - Miguel - 12-24-2013
Quote:Tusk @HaleysTusk 29m
Hallelujah, finally heard @HaleyReinhart somewhere other than my stereo or laptop #BabyitsColdOutside #FredMeyer #XmasMiracle
RE: Piped music by Haley - Miguel - 12-27-2013
Quote:Tihlur AKA (Tyler) @ReinhartLover 3h
@HaleyReinhart I just heard "Free" in Dillard's and got soooooo excited!
Quote:Ryan Duvall @TheRyanDuvall 23m
Sitting at #zoeskitchen and @HaleyReinhart 's "free" came on. It made this shitty food that much better!
RE: Piped music by Haley - Miguel - 01-15-2014
Quote:Daniel @SevasCisum 45m
Geeze. Sears is playing some good stuff now. The other day I heard "Free" by Haley Reinhart, and now "Breakable" by Ingrid Michaelson.
RE: Piped music by Haley - Miguel - 01-24-2014
Quote:Emit @Emit_Quintero 15m
"Free" by Haley Reinhart starting playing in the store & I started singing along & the sales lady is looking at me like I'm psychotic
RE: Piped music by Haley - rmd1064 - 02-21-2014
In Home Depot yesterday evening, and "Walking In Heaven" comes on! Wow..first time I ever heard Haley via piped music.