RE: Haley Reinhart - International Appeal - Miguel - 02-19-2017
Quote:gabi @demispianist 51m
omg zakochałam się w głosie haley reinhart
Translated from Polish:
"OMG I fell in love with the voice of haley reinhart"
Quote:DailyMusic Blog @BlogDailyMusic 3h
Ismét egy kis Haley Reinhart!
Translated from Hungarian:
"Once again, a little Haley Reinhart!"
Quote:Григорий Грушко @g_grushko 17h
@4liomq5whn8gxIl Певица Haley Reinhart действительно замечательная. Да просто - прелесть
Translated from Russian :
"Singer Haley Reinhart really wonderful. Yes just-charm" …
Quote:God save the gouine @Kurioserweise Feb 18
Moi je veux chanter comme Haley Reinhart.
Translated from French:
"I want to sing like Haley Reinhart."
RE: Haley Reinhart - International Appeal - Tusk - 02-24-2017
slight pronunciation issues due to singing in a non native language, but a pretty good cover from Denmark
RE: Haley Reinhart - International Appeal - Miguel - 02-26-2017
Young Dutch woman who sings posted to Twitter:
Quote:Ask me for my "Top 5 (BLANK)" any subject.
Someone replied with "Muzikale inspiratiebronnen" (Musical inspirations).
She responded with,
Quote:1. Christina Aguilera
2. Etta James
3. Shirley Bassey
4. Haley Reinhart
5. Aretha Franklin
RE: Haley Reinhart - International Appeal - Miguel - 03-03-2017
YT, "Creep:"
Quote:Wow! Bisher konnte ich keine Stimme für sehr gut befinden. Irgendwas passte immer nicht oder wurde anstrengend nach kurzer Zeit, aber Haley hat sie, die sehr gute Stimme. Ich danke dir uns deine Musik zu schenken! Tolle Frau!
"Wow! So far I could not find a voice for very good. Something always did not fit or became exhausting after a short time, but Haley did it, the very good voice. I thank you to give us your music! Great woman!"
RE: Haley Reinhart - International Appeal - Miguel - 03-06-2017
An Italian who works at the Natural History Museum in London posted Haley's European tour dates.
Quote:Roberto Iorio shared Haley Reinhart's photo.
1 hr ·
Giulia Artemi get ready, this cant be missed!
RE: Haley Reinhart - International Appeal - Miguel - 03-11-2017
Quote:Patsy Hunt Music feeling nostalgic.
1 hr · Cardiff, United Kingdom ·
I feel that Haley Reinhart is underrated. She sings so effortlessly. So much talent. Such a stunning voice that deserves to be heard more often!
(And I almost cried listening to this ("Habits")
Please check out her music!!! ? ...
RE: Haley Reinhart - International Appeal - Miguel - 03-11-2017
Traditional Cambodian wedding:
RE: Haley Reinhart - International Appeal - Miguel - 03-12-2017
Syrian living in Instanbul, Turkey:
Quote:Sarmad Kaseer with Tammam KH.
44 mins · YouTube · "Creep"
Dude, she is killing me
Response from Damascus, Syria:
Quote:Tammam KH
Omg dude.. she's fantastic
RE: Haley Reinhart - International Appeal - Miguel - 03-17-2017
Munich, Germany
#haleyreinhart #musik #postmodernjukebox #sketch #drawing #wacom24hd #artragestudiopro
RE: Haley Reinhart - International Appeal - Miguel - 03-20-2017
Roskilde, Denmark
#piano #metime #happy #live #life #love #wow #beautiful #flowers #candles #lyngbyvase #lambwool #roland #pianonotes #haleyreinhart #canthelpfallinginlove #takemyhand #takemywholelifetoo