RE: 2 million - buzzenator - 12-12-2012
^ Himm that is great...I'm just trying to get my bearings on the setup. Is this a place to eat sausage and drink beer? Is that a drink rail I see, or is this the backdrop for the stage where Haley will be performing for the All-Halien Palooza?
I'm 5 hours away depending on the number of Wisconsin troopers patrolling I94/I90...I've also been to the Arlington racetrack (1972), so I'm due for a return trip.
RE: 2 million - yanni5 - 12-12-2012
Himm2, that is extremely cool. After my luck last weekend, I'm stopping for lotto tickets tonight.
RE: 2 million - ISCAT4HALEY - 12-12-2012
Himm2, the model is a beautiful replica of U.S Cellular Field. Incredibly detailed. You are almost as talented as Haley. Have Haley’s parents had a chance to see it in person yet?
RE: 2 million - riley - 12-12-2012
Holy Cow Himm 2 (yes I am a Cubs fan) - that is some mighty fine work!!! I did go to the cell to see Haley sing and love the big screen - great replica! You are a crazy dude!
RE: 2 million - Himm2 - 12-12-2012
I may be able to convince H.E.R. & Herr2 to allow me to have a HalienPalooza limited access party and wouldn't it be FAN-tastic if Haley, Harry, Tom & Patti performed a third 30 minute Stage-it on the outfield/putting green of "HimmWorld" for about a dozen of you fans that could make it?!? My backyard certainly isn't of a Woodstock kinda size. Maybe it could be on top3 Idol night in May of 2013. Haley and her family have seen a number of photos of this creation but I'm waiting until spring when it's finished to invite them over.
This was Haley Autographing the Jumbotron Scoreboard Graphic (+ Haleylvr4evr's hug)
RE: 2 million - midnightblues - 12-12-2012
Its 1225 miles from Houston to Chicago. It;s worth the Dr.
RE: 2 million - Reinharted♥ - 12-13-2012
Hey lovely Haliens! Thank you for the welcome. I've been a lurker here for almost 5 months. And really, this site made me discover things about Haley and it also keeps me updated though I'm a thousand miles away from where Haley and you, guys are.
RE: 2 million - Babbs234 - 12-13-2012
Welcome to the party Reinharted!
RE: 2 million - buzzenator - 12-13-2012
^ Yes, welcome Reinharted...glad you came in from the lurking, it's cold out there.
Himm, I'm in! If only 12 Haliens can fit, I have officially invited myself. I've got $50 in your tip jar for prepayment. Polish sausage roasting on an open fire...Jack Daniels whiffing up your nose...Yuletide Carol singing off-key in a chair...and Haliens dressed up like Eskimos. Hey, it is Chicago.
RE: 2 million - Reinharted♥ - 12-13-2012
Thank you sugas! Lez get this party started!!!