RE: "Free" Official Music Video - midnightblues - 03-24-2012
(03-24-2012, 09:54 PM)Shela Wrote: And it was taken down...hoping they release it on VEVO any time soon...Well at least it got some buzz
Sure gave me a buzz
RE: "Free" Official Music Video - John Brown - 03-24-2012
Luckily I downloaded it as soon as I seen it. Hence, I still have it on my hard drive.
RE: "Free" Official Music Video - Miguel - 03-24-2012
Someone copied it and posted a lower quality version to YouTube:
[video was removed from YouTube]
RE: "Free" Official Music Video - Miguel - 03-25-2012
Just now reading the comments at MJ's. I like this response to someone who commented "Haley always seems like she is insecure and is trying too hard" (to be a sex object).
Quote: She seems very confident to me. It just so happens that part of her confidence comes from the fact that she seems assured in her own desirability. There's a pretty big difference between enjoying your own sexuality and allowing yourself to become a sex object, and the video does a pretty good job of making the distinction clear. She's fully dressed, she's not fawning all over the guy (if anything, she's vaguely dismissive of him), and the focus of the video is entirely on her, not on his view of her. I actually got a really fun girl power vibe from it.
RE: "Free" Official Music Video - Miguel - 03-25-2012
The other video has now been pulled.
RE: "Free" Official Music Video - Miguel - 03-25-2012
There's a working "Free" video on this page:
RE: "Free" Official Music Video - fover - 03-25-2012
I missed it completely, but I was able to find and download it to my HD a few minutes ago. And, by the way... I Love it.
RE: "Free" Official Music Video - Haleylvr4evr - 03-25-2012
RE: "Free" Official Music Video - buzzenator - 03-25-2012
Many of the comments on boards are along these lines...'now that I have seen the video the song makes more sense and I can understand the lyrics. I really like this version'...It would have been better to have leaked the music video 3 weeks ago, then all the other mini-performances would have made more sense within the scope of this ultimate performance...JMHO
If I had seen this video first, I would have called it a "hit" on the spot...had to come a long way to get to this point. All Haliens can take a deep breathe and smile now.
RE: "Free" Official Music Video - Miguel - 03-25-2012
I hope it will be officially released by tomorrow to coincide with the radio play. Once people hear it on the radio they're gong to go looking for it.