RE: New Haley/PMJ Collab "Don't Speak" - ButterandBloom - 09-19-2021
600,000 at 8:30 PM PDT. That’s 100,000 views in about 12 1/2 hours.
RE: New Haley/PMJ Collab "Don't Speak" - Zem - 09-20-2021
22 minutes of analysis and reaction of DS by the wonderful Elizabeth Zharoff. One of the best if not the best reviewer on Youtube. 5200 views in 2 hours.
RE: New Haley/PMJ Collab "Don't Speak" - KelseyW. - 09-20-2021
Shocked MJ's hasn't promoted Haley's new PMJ cover on her blog yet even though I posted the video days ago in a headlines thread... *eyeroll*
RE: New Haley/PMJ Collab "Don't Speak" - ButterandBloom - 09-20-2021
3/4 million at 8:20 PM, PDT.
I am surprised Michael Slezak hasn’t commented on this video yet. Elizabeth’s reaction video is getting big numbers already. I think Haley will benefit considerably from exposure through her channel. A number of commenters have suggested that Elizabeth do an interview with Haley. That could be very positive.
RE: New Haley/PMJ Collab "Don't Speak" - KelseyW. - 09-20-2021
Seems like most of the hardcore Idol bloggers aren't talking about it like they should be...
That would be amazing! I just watched her video and loved her analysis of Haley's performance.
RE: New Haley/PMJ Collab "Don't Speak" - Tusk - 09-20-2021
Behind the scenes, also posted on Tik Tok
RE: New Haley/PMJ Collab "Don't Speak" - KelseyW. - 09-21-2021
She is stunning.
RE: New Haley/PMJ Collab "Don't Speak" - KelseyW. - 09-21-2021
The lack of Idol fan/blogger love is actually annoying me so...
If there are any OTHER proper music news sites that pick up on the PMJ collab please post them here!
RE: New Haley/PMJ Collab "Don't Speak" - KelseyW. - 09-21-2021
Right? I'm like. Give the girl her due. You don't have to like her, but she's an amazing singer and artist.
RE: New Haley/PMJ Collab "Don't Speak" - KelseyW. - 09-22-2021
Over 900,000 views!!