RE: New PMJ Video???? - InItToWinIt - 12-03-2015
Billboard: Watch Haley Reinhart & Puddles Pity Party Ponder a 'Mad World' in New Video
Quote:Haley Reinhart has a new duet partner. The American Idol season 10 alum has teamed up with the "Sad Clown With the Golden Voice"--aka Puddles Pity Party -- for a vaudevillian take on the Tears for Fears new wave classic, "Mad World."
The video, where Reinhart is dwarfed by the seven foot tall clown, is the latest in a series of new entries featured on Postmodern Jukebox's brand new website, launched this week by leader Scott Bradlee.
RE: New PMJ Video???? - riley - 12-03-2015
All the Billboard love the last few months is just great - I am lovin' it. I remember searching Billboard in the past for "Haley Reinhart" and virtually nothing. Now it's a hole different story .
RE: New PMJ Video???? - Miguel - 12-03-2015
The first thumbs downs have appeared and are climbing. Here's why:
Quote:Why am I just now getting this notification?
RE: New PMJ Video???? - Tusk - 12-03-2015
May be the quickest MJ has posted anything Haley related in recent memory
Quote:mjsbigblog @mjsbigblog 11m11 minutes ago
VIDEO: Watch @HaleyReinhart & @PMJofficial "Vintage Vaudeville" rendition of "Mad Word" spec guest Puddles the Clown
There's no denying Scott's intuition and creativity, this collaboration being a prime example
RE: New PMJ Video???? - mercfan3 - 12-03-2015
That was way adorable.
RE: New PMJ Video???? - Miguel - 12-03-2015
Best FB comment:
"This is awesome in a manic depressive sort of way."
RE: New PMJ Video???? - Tusk - 12-03-2015
Check out @puddlespityparty & myself sing a little song.. do a little soft shoe. #madworld #puddlespityparty #TopHatOnFleek #pmj #jollysadness @youtube @itunes
RE: New PMJ Video???? - airhigh - 12-03-2015
fangurling on "Mad World"
Quote:Stephen Albright 31 minutes ago
Wow wow wow Haley killing it as always. Puddles was good too.
I'm grateful for all you Haliens, your all just great, thanks for all you are doing for Haley, your the best!!!
RE: New PMJ Video???? - Miguel - 12-03-2015
YT view count now up to 116,850
FB posts:
Quote:Puddles sings with the girl who should have won her season of American Idol, the ridiculously talented Haley Reinhart. The tone of her voice is so rich and warm. She's very much a throwback.
Quote:Haley Reinhart is the best contestant ever on American Idol. She was brilliant week after week. I am so glad that she didn't fade into obscurity, but found a way to stay relevant making really great music
RE: New PMJ Video???? - Tusk - 12-03-2015
h/t Rachel