Amanda Palmer: The art of asking - Miguel - 03-02-2013
RE: Amanda Palmer: The art of asking - john - 03-02-2013
RE: Amanda Palmer: The art of asking - Miguel - 03-02-2013
I think "The Bed Song" is the latest video AP has posted.
It tells a sad story. Lryics:
After watching that, I was curious about when she learned to play the piano. A search didn't reveal the answer, but it turned up this story about her encountering a young pianist on the streets of Boston:
Quote:As with most of Palmer’s projects, her collaboration with Allen happened in a whirlwind — and in front of the cameras. Inside her house, Palmer had set up a webcam and broadcast Allen live to her devoted fanbase. For the next 90 minutes, Allen played his own songs — portentous compositions full of repeating patterns and rhythmic flights of fancy — and Palmer essentially interviewed him about his experiences.
Watching Allen play a torrent of notes — his fingers so nimbly caressing the keys, it appears they might not even be attached to his hands — it’s easy to see why Palmer was so impressed. Her fans agreed, too, donating $8,000 in 48 hours through a Kickstarter online campaign that later funded Allen’s album.
RE: Amanda Palmer: The art of asking - john - 03-02-2013
Trisean Allen and Amada
She has a lot of dedicated fans and I imagine can pull a group of people together in an instant. Like, who can help me make this video tonight?