One way to do a tour - danzeb - 03-07-2013
Lauren Alaina is in town at a venue with 1000 seats, tickets $29-$60 and sold out. How does she do it? There are 6 other girls in the show and all have some fans. Share a band, share a bus, share a promoter and it's a smart way to make some money and play for a large crowd. Being backed by a good band and playing to a large crowd who's whiling to spend some money is a better way to promote then siting on a stool for 50 or 100 fans without a band because you can't afford to pay them. No need for Lauren to have an act that that lasts for 1 1/2 hrs. She just has to sing 4 songs. Plus she's getting good experience to fine tune her performances based on crowd response with a crowd that my not be all dedicated fans.
I think she has a smart manager.
RE: One way to do a tour - Tom22 - 03-08-2013
That makes a lot of sense!
I've been thinking the last couple weeks that it would really help if people on the cusp of bigger notereity covered each others songs. If Haley sung one of say Lauren Alaina's songs and Lauren Alaina covered one of Haley's songs... well both fan bases would probably think their star did better than the original but in the process the fans would start thinking of the other singer as a team mate of their own star. Saying nice things about each other and getting fans familar with each other's music makes them both more famous etc.
I don't know that Lauren is the right person but like 5 artists doing that (and i'm just talking about a live performance put on you tube not studios covers) and goign on tour too could be really cool (getting to know the other acts before hand would make them more enjoyable too)