Pia Toscano Stageit Show 06/27/13 - Babbs234 - 06-28-2013
Pia Toscano and Jared Lee Stage It show June 27, 2013
from KobeAnd8
This is entire show.
RE: Pia Toscano Stageit Show 06/27/13 - Miguel - 06-28-2013
The new song at the end was well-received, judging by the reaction on Twitter. In the video, Pia says "Heaven's on Fire" is one of the most challenging songs she has ever performed.
Here is a clip of just it:
RE: Pia Toscano Stageit Show 06/27/13 - midnightblues - 06-28-2013
Talk bout changing pitch and octaves? that was very impressive Good for Pia she will do well
RE: Pia Toscano Stageit Show 06/27/13 - buzzenator - 06-29-2013
^ Agreed...very impressive. Pia looked different to me, hair color a little lighter maybe or something else...but still, a beautiful girl and a beautiful voice.
Thanks for sharing the vids Babbs & Miguel.