Leave a tip for independent artist Haley Reinhart today. - Miguel - 07-04-2013
Note: The matching period described below has passed, but you can still tip Haley.
Quote:PJ @PJHaleyR 1h
Leave a tip for Haley Reinhart today and MTV/VH1 will match it #callingallyoumilionaires #HappyIndependenceDay http://api.artistlink.com/home/accounts/6036/tips/new?brand=mtv
Appears legit: http://www.mtv.com/artists/haley-reinhart/
Deadline for matching tips is 9:00 pm EDT.
Quote:Any unsigned or indie artist who receives tips from their fans on their Artist Platform page on July 4, 2013 between 6:00 am and 9:00 pm EDT (the “Tipping Period”), is eligible to receive up to $500 in matching payments from Sponsors, subject to the terms set forth in these Tip Matching Terms. An individual fan’s tip of an individual unsigned or indie artist is eligible for up to $100 in matching payment(s) from Sponsors. An individual fan is eligible for only one matching payment per artist tipped. Once the total tips eligible for receiving matching payments equal $100,000, Sponsors will not match any additional tips.
Sponsors are using a third party operational provider to process and disburse the tips and the matching amounts. The third party operational service provider uses Amazon Payments to process the tips made by fans. The third party operational service provider will deduct a 10% processing fee from tips made to artists by fans and a 5% transaction fee from the matching payments made by Sponsors. Any information provided by fans in making tips to artists is subject to the third party operational service provider’s and Amazon Payments’ privacy policies.
Only unsigned and indie artists (i.e., artists who are signed to companies other than Capitol/EMI, SONY, Warner Music Group, Universal Music Group) who have claimed or created an artist page on the Artist Platform and who have set up an ArtistLink account are eligible to receive a matching payment from Sponsors.
RE: Leave a tip for indenpendent artist Haley Reinhart today. - Haleylvr4evr - 07-04-2013
I sent her some money!
RE: Leave a tip for indenpendent artist Haley Reinhart today. - alpha7388 - 07-04-2013
Me too. How long has this been up?
RE: Leave a tip for indenpendent artist Haley Reinhart today. - midnightblues - 07-04-2013
Makes it easy when you have a amazon account.
RE: Leave a tip for indenpendent artist Haley Reinhart today. - Miguel - 07-04-2013
I don't know how long Haley has been associated with the site, but it was announced by MTV in March 2012. It quietly launched in August of that year.
Quote:An ambitious goal, Artist.MTV plans to have pages for over a million artists. This means that the platform won't only host big name acts like Beyonce and Justin Bieber, but will also allow the same access to underground artists and even budding YouTube stars.
“This is a very pro-artist initiative. To get fans to put money directly into the pockets of artists they love. To help artists and emerging artists get heard, get promoted and get paid,” says Connolly.
RE: Leave a tip for indenpendent artist Haley Reinhart today. - bonjojet - 07-05-2013
Agreed, very easy with Amazon.