Anqi By Crustacean August 8th - Tusk - 07-30-2014
Found by PJ, lost in the SMYM iTunes release:
Quote:Anqi By Crustacean Sister to the celebrity-studded Crustacean Beverly Hills, AnQi is House of AN’s Gourmet Bistro and Noodle Bar at South Coast Plaza.
Quote:#RedHour Jam Sessions Joins Fashionably Late Friday at AnQi on Aug. 8th w. special guest @thegraytest (*Macy Gray) - hosted by @therealpia @jaredleemusic @haleyreinhart @caseybassy @dylan_chambers & other favorites from The Voice & American Idol! For dinner and a show or VIP reservations email
RE: Anqi By Crustacean August 8th - Tusk - 08-07-2014
I know of a couple of Haley's fans going so we should be getting some pictures *fingers crossed
(they don't video)
RE: Anqi By Crustacean August 8th - Tusk - 08-08-2014
I've been told, although not on the bill, and not sure whether they'll be performing, Casey and Ballas will also be there tonight, perhaps one or both as Haley's music?
RE: Anqi By Crustacean August 8th - rmd1064 - 08-08-2014
I think it is so great that Haley is performing live again on a somewhat regular basis and think it is also great that she is interacting with so many different groups, from Casey to the Mark Ballas group to the Human Experience. Not to mention Irvin Mayfield and his band. All of this interaction and collaboration with different personalities and groups will just help her development as an artist and live performer.
And, as we can see (thanks to Tusk and Rachel especially), she is just stunning live with her voice, attitude, gorgeous looks, and charisma. I enjoy watching her band mates stare in admiration as she just slays song after song.
I am still holding out hope for a regional/national tour some time in her future with a band that rocks like the Buffalo Grove show last year, but these smaller performance events are still great to see. And, a hint of what she is capable of….
RE: Anqi By Crustacean August 8th - Tusk - 08-08-2014
Quote:Tusk @HaleysTusk 27s
Haley is performing "Helter Skelter" Right now with Dylan and Casey... heard a bit thru a cell phone LOL
Quote:Tusk @HaleysTusk 16s
whoops that was sound check...she's singing sitting on the dock of the bay now
Quote:Tusk @HaleysTusk 43s
Pic from @AnQiBistro sound check
@HaleyReinhart @CaseyBassy @dylan_chambers
RE: Anqi By Crustacean August 8th - Rachel - 08-08-2014
RE: Anqi By Crustacean August 8th - Tusk - 08-08-2014
Quote:Tusk @HaleysTusk 8m
Casey's on stage now
RE: Anqi By Crustacean August 8th - Tusk - 08-08-2014
Quote:AnQi by Crustacean @AnQiBistro 12m
@HaleyReinhart struttin on the catwalk ?
RE: Anqi By Crustacean August 8th - Tusk - 08-09-2014
Quote:Dylan Chambers @dylan_chambers 2m
Honored to have shared the stage with these beautiful people tonight! @haleyreinhart @caseybassy…
RE: Anqi By Crustacean August 8th - john - 08-09-2014
"I Try" - Macy Gray, North Sea Jazz Festival 2010