DeAndre Brackensick and His Crazy Voice - mercfan3 - 08-24-2015
DeAndre has such an incredible talent. He's never been trained, and yet to my knowledge his vocal range is C#2-G#6 (4 octaves and 4 notes)...and that's of what I've heard (he doesn't particularly struggle with either of those notes, so I'm guessing it's bigger.)
He sings whistle notes flawlessly. (I didn't even know men could do that.)
And now he's learning to harmonize...with himself. This is just crazy to me.
I know he can take too many liberties with the melody at times..and he can go a little overboard with the melisma. But it's like Christina Aguilera for me..if you've got the skills and talent, you can learn everything else. And his skills and talent are just crazy.