Rolling Stone and Haley Reinhart - Miguel - 08-17-2011
Don't know why I never thought to check Rolling Stone before for mentions of Haley Reinhart. I bolded the parts I liked best.
Quote:Haley Reinhart growlsang and it was nearly impossible to make out the words, but it was a very melodic growl. All the while she knew “her future hangs in the balance,” according to Seacrest. Did she really? If so, please set her straight, Mr. and Mrs. Reinhart. A future of not being America's next Idol is still a future, as 68 recent entrants can attest.
Quote:Here's a sampling of the twenty-four who will demand your vote...
The rest, with personalities still TBD: Thia Megia, Lauren Turner, Kendra Chantelle, Rachel Zevita, Haley Reinhart, Pia Toscano, Tatynisa Wilson, Jovany Barreto, Paul McDonald, Clint Jun Gamboa, Robbie Rosen, Stefano Langone, Tim Halperin, Jordan Dorsey.
Quote:Next was Haley Reinhart, with Alicia Keys' "Falling." She growled in all the right ways, making J. Lo and Steven happy, but Randy said the song didn't do anything for Haley: "It's kind of like a karaoke kind of thing." Buoyed by the other two, Haley responded with the verbal equivalent of a polite letter. "It's your opinion. You're entitled to it, but Alicia has been a big inspiration to me so I'm just trying to go for it."
...So: Pia, Lauren A., Thia, Ashthon and Karen are shoo-ins, with Lauren T., Haley, Kendra and Naima potentially shaking the ranks.
Quote:Everyone had to pick an Elton John number to sing. Naima went with "I'm Still Standing," which suited her ulterior reggae motives. The judges didn't love what she came up with, but the only other Elton song that could have done as well or better with the reggae synth beats is "Benny and the Jets," and that was snatched rightfully up by Haley Reinhart as a perfect backdrop for all her growls.
Quote:WINNER OF THE WEEK: Adele...So far, she's doing everything right, particularly building buzz with a concert tour by "underplaying" venues, such as the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles, rather than abruptly jumping to summer amphitheatres that she probably is still too new to sell out. Easter Weekend helped her sales, as did Haley Reinhart's red-polka-dotted-dress version of her unstoppable single "Rolling in the Deep" on American Idol last week. (The single also hit Number One on iTunes' weekly chart.)
Quote:Last night we had the chance to see what real coaching can do for an Idol hopeful. Lady Gaga was on hand, decked in an enormous beauty mark and a leotard to deliver useful advice intermixed with hilariously strange asides.
...The first-half songs had to fall under the category of "inspirational . . . to you," which meant when Jennifer and Randy criticized Haley for shout-singing a song no one in the audience has ever heard of (Michael Jackson's "Earth Song"), she acted like a teenager whose parents just discovered the belly button ring she snuck off to get. She pouted and rolled her eyes and probably lost some of the crucial mom contingent, only to lose it some more when Steven butted in like the bad-influence boyfriend to say those two were all wrong and what she'd just done was perfect.
By the second half, Gaga had worked on Haley's "love of theater," telling her to take in a killer breath before hitting the phrase "I love you" to get "just a laugh away from a tear." Done, and done. The song was yet another one no one's heard of, "I (Who Have Nothing)," but since this assignment implies songs no one's heard of (sorry, Leiber and Stoller), Jennifer and Randy had to skip that criticism. "This is why we can't take it easy on you, baby. Look what you're capable of!" Jennifer gushed. Randy widened his eyes in agreement, Steven coined the phrase "Reinharted her way into the middle of next week," and Gaga's influence fixed all.
Quote:'American Idol' Recap: It's Haley's to Lose
...Haley actually fell this time as she crossed back downstage, and it was no big deal. She got up and kept going. Great job on her part, but at this point that cross-section of stage is impossible to dramatize. She could probably ascend to heaven and the judges would beam as usual and say that this time, for real guys, they felt like they'd just been to a Haley Reinhart concert.
...Haley's trio was Zeppelin's "What Is And What Should Never Be," Fleetwood Mac's "Rhiannon," and "You Outta Know," by Alanis. She did the second two justice to be sure, looking as dreamy for her Stevie Nicks impression as one can with an enormous fan blowing in face. But the biggest stunner was the Zeppelin number, which she chose on her own. There's something about Haley that seems too self-assured for Idol, too cool, and this was the embodiment of it. No one so far has been as confident and wild as she was spinning around the stage and picking herself up from the nothing fall, her vocals on. With her dad strumming guitar at her side, she looked for all the world like the director, producer and star of...yes, a Haley Reinhart concert.
Quote:'American Idol' Recap: Haley Sent Packing
There was only one surprise unveiled during last night's results show, and it wasn't the results. Anyone who's followed all season can't deny Scotty's and Lauren's unceasing, aw-shucks march to confetti. These two were crowned the moment they auditioned, and impressive as Haley often was, especially toward the end, she was unfortunately never a bankable threat. Her M.O. was to take risks. On Idol, you may as well shove a gun down your throat.