Haley singing national anthem at Dodgers game 4-13-16 - Miguel - 04-13-2016
Haley's singing the national anthem for the LA Dodgers tonight.
"EricStephen of True Blue LA, your source for comprehensive Dodgers coverage" has 22.7K followers: Quote:Eric Stephen @truebluela 12m
Haley Reinhart, who got jobbed during season 10 of American Idol, sings the national anthem tonight
RE: Haley Reinhart singing the national anthem on 5-2-15, NBA, Clippers Vs Spurs, game 7 - Tusk - 04-13-2016
Quote:Rachel is ❁BETTER❁ @RClovesHaley 1m1 minute ago
Haley was just live on Facebook?! That's a first!
Rachel's friend is there too
RE: Haley Reinhart singing the national anthem on 5-2-15, NBA, Clippers Vs Spurs, game 7 - Miguel - 04-13-2016
Quote:andrea b. @tacosandtea 8m Los Angeles, CA
OMFG @HaleyReinhart IS DOING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM TONIGHT FOR THE @Dodgers. Finally someone talented & that I've heard of!
"clearly all you need to know is that my favorite things are tacos and tea. And Dodger baseball. I went to UCLA and I'm in love with my car."
Quote:ThinkBlueLA @Think_BlueLA 6m
Music & TV star @HaleyReinhart practicing for tonight's National Anthem with Dodger Stadium organist @DieterRuehle.
RE: Haley singing national anthem at Dodgers game 4-13-16 - Tusk - 04-13-2016
Team Haley streamed it!
RE: Haley singing national anthem at Dodgers game 4-13-16 - Miguel - 04-13-2016
Quote:Paul Neuman shared Haley Reinhart's live video.
Just now ·
Hey Blues.... This how you do a National Anthem!!!!! My Neighbor's got an awesome voice!!!
Quote:Courtney Pool
She's your neighbor?!?
Quote:Paul Neuman
Yes!!!!! She went to school with my oldest. Even DJ'd a couple of events for me at our elementary school!!! She should have won American Idol but she got hosed!!!
Quote:Leslie Gonzales @bonitaflor21 14m
Absolutely LOVED hearing @HaleyReinhart sing the national anthem tonight!! #DodgerStadium #OpeningWeek #itfdb #haleyisamazing
"musically inclined legal genius"
RE: Haley singing national anthem at Dodgers game 4-13-16 - dswim2 - 04-13-2016
Amazing! She gets better everytime she sings our anthem
RE: Haley singing national anthem at Dodgers game 4-13-16 - Rachel - 04-13-2016
My friend was at the game and recorded the National Anthem for me! The audio is much better than the live stream, less echo!
RE: Haley singing national anthem at Dodgers game 4-13-16 - dswim2 - 04-13-2016
^Big thanks to you and your friend, Rachel! Great quality
RE: Haley singing national anthem at Dodgers game 4-13-16 - Miguel - 04-13-2016
Thanks for posting it for us, Rachel.
RE: Haley singing national anthem at Dodgers game 4-13-16 - 2cool4idol - 04-13-2016
Amazing. Beautiful, nuanced performance. Haley never fails.