Live stream of rehearsal - Miguel - 10-20-2017
I started a new thread for this b/c it looks imminent (finally).
Quote:Haley Reinhart @HaleyReinhart 4 hours ago
Going to perform LIVE on Facebook from #WhatsThatSound? Tour Rehearsals soon! to tune in!
Quote:Dylan Chambers @dylan_chambers 11 minutes ago
Dylan Chambers Retweeted Haley Reinhart
Tune in, ladies and germs. We're gonna rock.
The bassist's Instagram page indicated they picked up dinner about an hour ago. Ray's Instagram page has a post from yesterday that indicates rehearsals run from 11-7.
Side note: There was a PMJ group in another studio at the same facility 4 days ago. It included Jesse Elder, Blake Lewis, Kenton, Aubrey...
Quote:David Gorospe
6 mins ·
Check facebook live. See what I been up to. Jamming with Haley Reinhart. Some classics, some originals. A small sample coming soon. Check us at El Ray, LA, Tuesday.
RE: Live stream of rehearsal - Tusk - 10-20-2017
It's started
Just one song, White Rabbit. Today's the last day of rehearsal, she said they'd be performing "most" of the songs from WTS, which begs the question which ones will be left off?
RE: Live stream of rehearsal - john - 10-20-2017
Comments on the FB stream video. I think all of these comments are a good sign - new fans and the first I have seen from Myanmar.
Quote:David Nicolei · Hey Hailey!...and the boys
Quote:Cristian Fragale · Hey Haliey
Quote:Dale Steger · Hey Hailey
Quote:Zac Zahkung · Love u from myanmar..