Haley interview with TuneIn today (now) 12-13-18 - Miguel - 12-13-2018
Quote:Miguel @HaleyFansDotCom
Kevin Cureghian is in Los Angeles, California.
"About to start recording an interview with @haleyreinhart at the TuneIn Studios today! " Interscope hashtag?
RE: Haley interview with TuneIn today (now) 12-13-18 - Miguel - 12-13-2018
![[Image: DuU6i3fV4AA89tx.jpg]](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DuU6i3fV4AA89tx.jpg)
Twitter account of the man doing the interview, Chris Patyk: https://twitter.com/chrispatyk?lang=en
"TuneIn" on Twitter: https://twitter.com/tunein?lang=en
RE: Haley interview with TuneIn today (now) 12-13-18 - Tusk - 12-15-2018
![[Image: 46538787_307672313182392_349177756060990130_n.jpg]](https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/54acc610f2c0620860fefcfcb71668aa/5C9A9D62/t51.2885-15/e35/46538787_307672313182392_349177756060990130_n.jpg)
RE: Haley interview with TuneIn today (now) 12-13-18 - Tusk - 01-02-2019
Quote:TuneIn @tunein 1h1 hour ago
In a new #TuneInConversation, @HaleyReinhart talks about her music, her influences and her creative friendship with #JeffGoldblum. Listen: http://listen.tunein.com/haleyreinhart
RE: Haley interview with TuneIn today (now) 12-13-18 - Tusk - 01-09-2019