Steven Tyler falls in shower and injures self - Miguel - 10-25-2011
Quote:(Reuters) - The 63-year-old frontman reportedly suffered cuts to his face and lost two of his teeth after falling in his hotel bathroom, the country's largest newspaper ABC said.
...A man who identified himself as Gustavo Perez, a bellboy at the Bourbon hotel near Asuncion, told local radio that Tyler slipped when he was taking a shower and "had a nasty fall."
Quote:Steven Tyler was suffering from dehydration caused by a bout of food poisoning when he collapsed in a Paraguay hotel shower today ... sources connected to Tyler tell TMZ.
I hope it was food poisoning and not the result of relapsing and blowing his Idol money on drugs.
Back in May: Quote:Tyler, now 62 and the father of the actress Liv Tyler, went into rehab several times and admits that he is lucky to be alive considering his drug and alcohol abuse in his autobiography to be released this week.
He said: "I blew $20 million. I snorted my Porsche, I snorted my plane, I snorted my house in that din of drugs and booze and being lost.
"I kept my medicine cabinet on stage, in a fourteen-inch drum head, the bottom of which contained... one Dixie cup with a straw and blow in it and the other with Coca-Cola and Jack Daniels in it.
"Left to my own devices I probably would have been dead several times over," Tyler admitted to People magazine.
RE: Steven Tyler falls in shower and injures self - midnightblues - 10-25-2011
Remember what Tyler said to Haley at the end of WIAWSNB. It's not how many times you fall, it's how many times you get up.Steven, Be careful.
RE: Steven Tyler falls in shower and injures self - Miguel - 10-31-2011
Quote:Aerosmith frontman/"American Idol" judge Steven Tyler called in to NBC's "Today" show Thursday (Oct. 27) morning to explain how he ended up falling in a Paraguay hotel shower.
...Tyler was anxious to point out that the nasty spill -- he ended up with four stitches above his eye and a knocked out tooth -- was not the result of drug or alcohol abuse.
"I get that people think that," he said. "It still bothers me a little, but it's something that I have to deal with for the rest of my life."