Haley Tweet - Miguel - 12-25-2011
Or someone at 19 is working overtime.
Quote:HaleyReinhart Haley Reinhart
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everybody!!! I still want to see your holiday gear photos so send them on! Today is the last day to win!
32 minutes ago
RE: New tweet from Haley - midnightblues - 12-25-2011
Quote:Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everybody!!! I still want to see
What do we need to be putting on
RE: New tweet from Haley - Miguel - 12-25-2011
Winter gear...heavy coat, ugly Christmas sweater, etc.
RE: New tweet from Haley - midnightblues - 12-25-2011
Okay now I got it. You mean the things that grandma would buy for us on Christmas Day that were as useless as a lawnmower on Astro -turf . They always ended up in my garage sales.
RE: New tweet from Haley - Miguel - 12-25-2011
The pictures can be of anything really. It's a way of promoting #babyitscoldoutside on Twitter and they are posted to her website:
Haley will "follow" the winners on Twitter (something valued by the young set) and has promised a special prize as well (maybe copy of her single?).