Trouble with Haley's flight today - Miguel - 03-25-2012
Quote:Erika Van Pelt @EVanPeltAI11
I'm in a New York State of Mind, literally! Heading to the Big Apple to do the Today Show etc. Ms. Haley Reinhart and I are on the flight
Quote:Erika Van Pelt @EVanPeltAI11
Wow scary experience on the plane! Couldn't pressurize the cabin so now I'm back in LA til further notice. Glad we are safe on the ground.
RE: Trouble with Haley's flight today - Haleylvr4evr - 03-25-2012
I haven't been on twitter for 2 days, and this is the first thing I saw (Not the actual tweet but people talking about it). Is she ok?
Erica just did another tweet that they are both fine and waiting for another flight
RE: Trouble with Haley's flight today - Miguel - 03-25-2012
Quote:Erika Van Pelt @EVanPeltAI11
Haley and I are both fine everybody! Just waiting for another flight. No worries.
Erika just tweeted:
Quote:Erika Van Pelt @EVanPeltAI11
We are alive! And eating cookies for breakfast @HaleyReinhart
![[Image: Ao2ZlAiCMAAde_f.jpg]](
^^ clever shooting into a mirror
RE: Trouble with Haley's flight today - Haleylvr4evr - 03-25-2012
haha cookies for breakfast!
RE: Trouble with Haley's flight today - Miguel - 03-25-2012
I guess Erika enjoyed spending time with Haley. She has changed her twitter profile pic to this: