For Me Road Trips aren't 'mix tape' types of trips.
I like to go the "Full Album" route. So many of the classic bands made coherent albums that were filled with musical texture that made each album it's own, singular entity.
The supergroups were 'super' because they created "Albums" not a bunch of singles grouped together
Pink Floyd Albums have a continuity that is good for long road trips....Although the warning is the songs can sometimes make your mind wander so special attention to not get hypnotized by the music and the road strips, I could go with "Dark Side of the Moon", "The Wall" or "Wish You Were Here"
But for driving?
Meddle is a lesser known PF album that that has some parts that are amazing on long drives on a sunny day... this song is a favorite from the album
One of these Days
The whole album
IMO Any Led Zeppelin Album will do but something about Led Zeppelin II
From the beginning beats of "Whole Lotta Love" to "What Is and What Should Never Be" to Bonham's "Moby Dick" .... this might be the pentultimate "Zeppelin Album"
"Thank You" is a little known gem of a song from this album...
Led Zep II (Whole Album)
Rush's "Moving Pictures" might be the 'ultimate' driving album, so many songs on this album are prime driving songs
From the first beat of "Tom Sawyer"
to the story telling in "Red Barchetta"
to the instrumental interlude where Rush show their musicality in "YYZ"
Moving Pictures
All Excellent to take on a long drive