I can't speak for you, Bluesman, but for me, I think we've been so invested in helping, in our own way through support, that part of me wonders if there was more we could have done.
We have grown an empathy for Haley, thrilled when she succeeds, downtrodden when it doesn't go well. (Fortunately, there was more of the former than the latter)
There's that part also, that we refused to believe what we were seeing with our own eyes. Many of us held out hope that there was 'a bigger plan', that Interscope was biding their time and gearing for a push to elevate Haley's exposure. That 'bigger plan' never came, what we hoped was a strategy, was actually, in retrospect, indifference and apathy.
I find myself feeling worse for Haley than myself and hope she knows that she did the best that she could. And that her best was fantastic. That Interscope failed does not mean that Haley or "Listen Up!" are failures. LU is a fantastic album and, thankfully, pretty much all Haley.
In this time of 'mourning' the separation, we should still be strengthened that through it all, Haley is Naturally talented, a fantastic performer/singer/song writer, person, daughter, sister and Human Being. Many of us were brought here because of her music, she has touched us with her talent, and we stayed because of the person she has turned out to be, and the potential we know is within her.
It could be worse. She could have been released and saddled with a copy cat pop album written by others with a future that is not so bright.
She is the absolute opposite, "Listen Up!" is a fantastic album and she has been and always will be talented and entertaining with a 'joie de vivre' and a fine example for young fans to look up to.
I know and hope her outlook on life never changes and so look forward to seeing what she has ahead for us.
More than ever, I'm proud to be an unapologetic Halien