just had this convo on twitter....
Quote:Fe Moya@glassperfection
I wonder if @IrvinMayfieldJr composed a song for @HaleyReinhart to sing on his new album hmmm? #CuriousTweet
Suggah Inyerteeth@suggahNyerteeth
@glassperfection @IrvinMayfieldJr @HaleyReinhart OMG.......I think we would all just die!! now ya done went and got me all excited!!!!!!!!!
Fe Moya@glassperfection
@suggahNyerteeth @irvinmayfieldjr @haleyreinhart I'm sure they got somefin up there sleeves
Suggah Inyerteeth@suggahNyerteeth
@glassperfection @IrvinMayfieldJr @HaleyReinhart pardon me please....SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! just had to get that out =)
9:29 PM - 7 Dec 12 · Details