I had heard about Rodriguez from a 60 minutes episode. Truly an inspirational, almost fairytale story. His music is fantastic too.
He was signed in the early 60s, and his record company expected him to be a smash, but he barely sold anything. His second album did the same, and he lost his contract.
However, somehow South Africa got a hold of his music, and he's actually bigger than Elvis, the Stones, and the Beatles there. The man was essentially the voice/music of anti-apartheid.
The kicker was, he didn't even know it until two men, fans, tracked him down. Which is what the documentary was about.
And the thing is, when you listen to his interview..you just fall in love with him. Such a beautiful, unique person. A good example is that Rodriguez chose not to attend the Oscars because he did not want any credit to be taken away from the film makers.
Here's a song of his
and here's the 60 minute special (but I really recommend the documentary)
I'll buy his albums the second I figure out if he gets any of the royalties.