(03-18-2013, 11:31 PM)30CamdenSquare Wrote: Thanks for posting those vids Tusk!! I like Elise. I like her alot. She was my favorite from S11. I like Haley more & I don't think Elise & Haley sound much alike other than they both have some rasp in their tone. They both have good tastes in music (which means they like a lot of the same music that I like), but they don't have the same style even when singing the same songs. There's quite a bit of difference in their phrasing/note choices and Elise CANNOT belt like Haley, but she still sounds great and sings a lot of music that I like. I especially liked that first video that Tusk just posted. The melody in the chorus is really cool.
30CS, that's a very good analysis (of the differences between Haley and Elise).
And to try to clarify my earlier post, I have a great deal of respect for Elise's musicianship. I may not
like what she does and I may not listen to complete songs, but I
respect what she does, because she
definitely knows what and how she wants to deliver a song.