(01-26-2012, 07:35 PM)john Wrote: I had a cat that got treed.
(01-26-2012, 09:50 PM)buzzenator Wrote: You used to be able to call the fire department when your cat got treed. Now you have to stand out in the cold and wait for a cabdriver.
My kids used to have a young cat that used to get treed all the time on a regular basis, but instead of calling the fire department, I used to get my tree stand out and climb up the trees to go rescue that stupid cat.
After about six weeks of regularly rescuing that stupid cat, I noticed some strange looking swelling around that cat's eyes. So I took that stupid cat to the vet and found out that the cat had some fatal brain tumors in its brain caused by if I remember correctly cat leukemia, and apparently that was the reason it kept getting treed. Anyway, I ended up having to put that cat to sleep.
Nevertheless, the bright side of the story is luckily I never had to stand out in the cold and wait for a cab.