I actually do have some other covert recordings, like Haley and Casey's singing HTRJ (from the beginning of this vid)....I'm not even sure there's a vid of this performance on you youtube anymore... but it's the same as this one, you only see a portion of them.
Haley's performance of GBTC @ Carnegie, unfortunately is interrupted...
But it is an indication of how extra ordinary our seats were with the added bonus of the Reinharts sitting behind us. I believe that is Harry calling out Haley's name at the intro (@55 sec) and the Reinhart girls doing the "wooo hooo's"
I also have a short clip of the end when they toured around the audience, you see Harry and Angie (videoing) and the Abrams as well.
And then a couple of videos/audios I have been sworn to not disseminate
Edit: there are two short clips of HTRJ on youtube