Haley Idoloonies and creating history
Found this on Haley's Wikipedia listing:
"On June 17, 2011, TVLine released an interview between Reinhart and Michael Slezak. They discussed her life before Idol, her "cannon fodder" edit on the show, her unfair treatment by the judges, her unique song choices that became known as "some of the best on Idol ever", and her future. Slezak crowned her TVLine's favorite Season 10 contestant and thanked her for "kicking ass" and being "a risk-taker and awesome". In less than a week, the article became the most commented on article on the website."
Of course, we all know that was merely the beginning, and it might have continued had a certain individual not spoiled it for most of us. We now have this safe haven (thanks again, Miguel), but thought that I'd point out that Wiki mention because I think most of the members here were probably involved in making that article become the most commented on article. I raise a (virtual) glass to us!