(09-12-2013, 12:37 AM)Miguel Wrote: (09-11-2013, 07:21 PM)mercfan3 Wrote: Anyone see it tonight?
The girl in the couple reminded me of Haley. Not her voice or her looks (although she's very pretty..) But more her mannerisms..and I think her smile.
I just watched a video of the performance after seeing some comments on Twitter. I thought the same thing you did.
Yes, I can see that too. Definitely not common mannerisms and cute/charming in their fresh way.
Melanie Martinez of The Voice apparently felt they ripped off her arrangement. You can see that reflected in the comments.
Quote:Sierra Deaton @sierradeaton 4h
yes we used other covers as inspiration & did give credit but they can only air so much! plus it took ages to come up with harmonies haha!
Quote:Alex Kinsey @alexkinsey 4h
Our songs may sound familiar because we're inspired by other people's interpretations of them, And we thank everyone who has inspired us!
That was a nice way to put that although Twitter would have been a nice place to give a "shout out" to XXXX and XXX among others.
It is all fair game to use other's for inspiration.. all music is built on the shoulders of those that came before.
They couldn't give the shout outs on the show itself. It isn't the contestants role to give little speeches especially in early rounds with so much mushed in. If they'd like to give credit I think the shows have the judges bring it up, or let (on Idol) Ryan ask a leading question that lets them do so. There are some politics and finacial motivations in terms of whether the judges want to call out a contestant on another show.
Perhaps the show producers strongly advised the two not to name names.
Still, I think a tweet mentioning her by name would have been polite if they were allowed to and had indeed listened to Melainie's covers quite a few times and shared it with the music director etc. Only they know for certain precisely how true that was...although their comments point strongly to it being true.
I really enjoyed Melanie's interpretations of songs... made them almost like entirely new songs to my ear that didn't need to be compared to the originals.. they were different creations to a degree. I have them on my phone/music player and listen to them all the time (I go for 45 minute walks in the early morning and after dinner every day.
I do think it was inspired by Melanie's distinct rendition The thing is, Melainie's rendition might have been partly inspired by another on the web, making it like unpeeling an Onion if you tried to give "shout outs" to the whole chain. It all depends on the particular circumstances involved and only they know what they leaned on most.