Sorry for the awkward posts, using phone.
The only thing that changed is the director. Everyone else was the same. Also, this is not run by a corporation with big bucks, but a group of creatives excited to see where their combined talents can take them without that corporate interest. This will be the result of their comhined talents. As a , somewhat, creative person, i can certainly understand the excitement foe this project from all involved. I think that counts for something (good). I have said a few times, there was an air of positivity and enthusiasm the entire 12(?) hrs we were there, a result of that creative enthusiasm.
I will also say, Haley had a lot of input in the shoot, suggesting this or that, "let's try this (that)"...she was not just a barbie doll being moved around. She was very involved. Perhaps Rhea wasn't willing to have that flexibility (speculation only)
Changing direction, running out of time, making on the spot decisions....these are NOT uncommon to these types of projects. To single these out as potential points of worry is to assume this never happens at other "professional" shoots...delay, change of direction, working within your means...happens ALOT in professional projects as well.
I know the concern is because we are impatient for Haley to reach the potential we KNOW she has in her, but what's important to me is these people all have accomplished, to some extent , in their separate fields, are enthused, obviously respect and like each other, and have come together to see what they can do without corporate interference.... I really think that matters.
Haley obviously enjoyed the heck out of herself, had input and was enthused the entire time.... This project will come from their combined creative effort IMO that's important.
It won't break her, but has potential to really do something good for all of them.
Let's wait and see what this creative stew of personalities and creative talents are capable of before we commence with the hand wringing
I want to add, that the theme of the video, a nod to her fans, us...a 'love letter' to her Haliens speaksba little to her motivation and what this project means to her. It's personal, something that should not be overlooked. This creative effort is for us too