RE: Emily West - America's Got Talent
I'm really impressed with Scott's knack for getting the most of his small time, low budget operation. There are so many talented musicians and singers looking for greater exposure and he takes advantage of that. He happily brings in vocalists from reality TV shows, which makes a lot of sense. As they say in the NFL "they have tape", that is, their past appearances on TV largely take care of the audition process. They also have name recognition. Having several singers in a show who individually already have some fans has got to help with PMJ visibility and ticket sales for shows.
He also does a great job with social media and Youtube. He regularly puts up videos, keeping the content fresh. And he regularly posts and responds on several social media sites. It appears he is not one to do the twitter party, but takes a disciplined approach by posting everyday and responding quickly to tweets. He's a busy guy as PMJ leaves for an ambitious European tour.
Emily West is terrific.