(03-10-2015, 03:44 PM)XAtlantic Wrote: I now put the pics on photobucket, too, which has nothing else on and which I'm sure to be using just for here. Should we rewire to that? Is that possible? Though you have postprocessed versions.
I did crop some of the pictures and reduced their size from over 2000 pixels wide to 1200 wide. I don't understand why the 'red' pic of Haley ended up 1.25MB when the original was less than 1 MB... All I did was crop it in Photoshop, so it should've been smaller.
You know my opinion on using PhotoBucket vs Twitter. Twitter is free, there is no adware (every once in a while a 'sponsored' tweet shows up in your timeline)...and you don't have to tweet. You can use it to get immediate news from your interests... and as far as quickly posting pics that will be permanent (unless you delete the associated tweet). You can then right click the image in your tweet to copy the image url to use to post on HF
I can't speak to information gathering like what goes on at Facebook or Google, I think it's less than that. I think the biggest caution I can give is that it can be addictive to personalities like mine.
Another thing about Twitter, don't take stuff too seriously, people can be overdramatic, or act out on Twitter. You can simply unfollow them or 'mute' them. Finally, as with anything on the internet, protect personal information, I've seen people tweet email addresses and phone numbers out, it's a no brainer, yet people still do it.
PhotoBucket on the other hand, advertising, pop up windows etc.... it acts like something that might be a risk to put adware on your computer...
(03-10-2015, 03:31 PM)XAtlantic Wrote: John, asking whether other Haliens were in evidence
Actually I'm very astonished there is nothing from the show of Haley... maybe the Haliens that were there aren't social media types, but had you not been there, there'd be no pictures at all.... very weird