OH wow I missed that Morgan / Opera youtube and discussion until just now ! Mixed this shorter thread up with the longer ones.
That video was awesome....
the scene gave me flashbacks to high school drama classes we had with a rather bigger than life head of department (it was beverly hills high school, they take acting very seriously there.. we had 3 full time drama instructors on top of the choral instructor and band/orchestra instructor).
Everything was either "best thing in the world" or "Damn it !, you're better than that Tom!" . I ended up dropping out of drama by Junior year partly because of the self-importance in the classes... (haha, but maybe it rubbed off on me irreparably !)
I did enjoy it when he went off into long reminisces about time in the theartre and annecdotes he had heard about actresses and actors etc.
He had a bit of bitterness under the surface
for needing to give acting up for a steady job to raise his children for 20 years.. he took a early retirement and went back into acting so I'm sure he had no regret in the end.
long and short was that was a pretty real type of scene Morgan was in believe it or not!
And the reality of "making a living" especially after you have children is something many of these young people we're watching might experience for a period.