(06-04-2015, 12:26 PM)Elizz Wrote: Anyone else feel this way or am I out of bounds?
First, I'll start with the positive, I'm glad you enjoyed the show and definitely glad you got to meet and spend some time chatting w/ Haley
If you read between the line of my posts about my UK Meet and Greet experience, you might see that I was also, for the most part, disappointed with the Meet and Greet. It went much like your experience, it felt .....abbreviated?
Since I'd not really heard any other MnG expecrience stories at the time, I assumed the reason why the MnG was so short was because we had to wait half an hour past when we were supposed to enter because 4 of the 12 MnGers were late. So we 'ran out of time'. I expected under 'normal' circumstances, we'd have a chance for a couple minutes with the artists...
What was different about my experience than the one you described was I got to meet Haley and Casey before, outside the venue, they let us in to hear 2 songs for mic check, and the artists all walked past us individually to greet us (as well as taking the photo with the group).... I think since I'd met her earlier (Outside the O2), and I might have been the 'one' fan to travel to see Haley (The others were more PMJ fans, than Haley fans), she spent a little more time with me, joking, "You look familiar, have I seen you before?" type of jokes before the mic check and during the individual, quick hello's.
After the group photos, Scott came up to autograph our posters and joke with us a bit, then it was announced they needed to be fed before the show, and that was it. Fairly abrupt. I asked Scott if we'd be able to get the others to autograph our posters, he said, yes, after the show, they'd be at the merchandise tables (which it turned out they didn't)
I did go to the others after the show to ask them if they were also going to go get their posters signed at the merch table? They all said they wouldn't be, one asked, "Well, did you enjoy the show?" I said I did, she said "well, there you go then" as if to say that should be enough and I should be satisfied.
Of course, that's when I went to search out where they were going to come out to meet fans and such, which lead me eventually back stage.
If I hadn't had the pre-show meeting with Haley and Casey, the little extra mentions and jokes during the meet and greet and the back stage access.... My time in the UK, specifically the Meet and Greet, might have been less ....'memorable'?
The Meet and Greet was more expensive in the UK, $75, besides getting to see the mic check performances, seemed like it was much like what yours was like.
Even so, it's really the only way to guarantee that you'll get a chance to meet Haley and Casey and anyone else you wanted. They don't always come out after the show to mingle, so if one of the things you wanted to do is to say Hi to Haley, the Meet and Greet will make it almost certain that you'll get the chance.
Also, a BIG plus to getting the Meet and Greet is you get first access to the venue. I think this might be what Scott is referring to when they say, dress in vintage, you might make the Instagram of the show, it's probably referring to the 'Selfie' that Scott takes in the middle of the show. He often aims it at the front row, which, most of the time, will include the Meet and Greeters who got to go in first, so are more likely to be in the 'Selfie' pic that Scott posts on Instagram after each show.
It seems, depending on the circumstances of that day, each PMJ show might provide different Meet and Greet/ post show mingle opportunities, so there's no saying what exactly you'll get. That's why I didn't out and out say, I wasn't completely satisfied with the experience (especially because I lucked into some great personal encounters)...
I also 'dressed up' for the Meet and Greet, not necessarily for the hope of a vintage pic with PMJ, but it also helped me get in the mood for a fun evening. Getting to go in ahead of the crowd is definitely a nice bonus for the Meet and Greet, I have to admit. As a not so tall person, it was nice to be able to get near the front from the floor
I hope the brief time with Haley made up, somewhat, for your disappointment of the Meet and Greet. I hope what you will remember more than your disappointment is the fun you had at the show, of hearing Haley sing live and of meeting her and chatting with her