I have been trying to get a meet up with Avelene for nearly 2 years, once close. So at Laguna Beach, I asked Haley if she could do me a favor. I told her Avelene was coming to San Diego in hopes of meeting her, if she could possibly come out and meet Avelene.
Haley hesitated, ...I don't know, she didn't get a ticket?
Haley thought I was asking her if she could sneak Avelene into the show lol. I laughed, no, the show is 21+, Avelene's not old enough
Of course Haley would do that. She said she'd keep a look out on Twitter
Avelene had her friends take her there really early, apparently, apparently just missing her.
I arrived, messaged Avelene, where are you? I'm outside the venue.
Then I looked up, who did I see walking towards me, dressed in black, fashionable black hat, but Jacob himself.
Who's that cool looking dude walking towards me, I said. Jacob recognised me gave me a hug. I apologized for not being at the Seattle show, but an opportunity to see Haley came up.
Jacob said he'd just woke up, the others went down to the beach, he was going to get some coffee. I pointd him to the Peets on the corner, offered to buy him one. We looked up, Avelene was waving to us. Jacob knew her from when she met with Casey. As we headed down to Peets, who would we bump into, but Sarah Reich aka Sourtaps.
I joked that she has Fam allover the country, from her Instagram. She had such a cool accent and way about her. Shorter than even Haley, she had a very cool presence about her.
So I bought them Coffee, they had to get to Mic check, so they left while Avelene, her friends and I got acquainted...
To be continued, heading out to get in line