Actually the thanks goes to Tim, this is posted on Tim's channel. Since it's his video I only felt it right that he get the initial traffic for getting first video of CHFIL up.
As I said earlier, I'll post his video on my channel in a week so he can get the first views.
In order to continue getting permission from fans to post their videos on my channel, it's important that I be respectful and give them the chance to get their views first.
In the case of Lyca's Australia videos, she preferred that I edit her videos (i had to edit each video to cut out extraneous things like other people, straighten out the video, brighten or de-saturate, or work past things like hands that appear in shot. I also edited the audio to make the sound a bit better, balance the audio and bring up Haley's voice) I then sent her back the edited files in case she wants to post on her channel
An example of what I did w/ Lyca's video
Lyca's Burn (note audio is loudest on one speaker, faint in the other and the camera moves around )
Here's my edit of the video
In my edit I also compensated for the camera moving around by keeping Haley in the same place, center screen, so it appears the camera is moving around Haley
Here's his Cake and Better
Quote:Timmy Wright @Yoshirox10 54m54 minutes ago
And then we chatted about her schedule and I was like I'm so excited and she was so sweet to me and gave me another hug and I'm so happy.
Quote:Tusk @HaleysTusk 21m21 minutes ago
@Yoshirox10 can you share what she said about her schedule?
Quote:Timmy Wright @Yoshirox10 9m9 minutes ago
@HaleysTusk She didn't say anything too specific. Just about the single coming soon, ep top of the year, and shows around release week.
Quote:Tusk @HaleysTusk 20m20 minutes ago
@Yoshirox10 shows as in to promote the EP? A small tour!?
Quote:Timmy Wright @Yoshirox10 8m8 minutes ago
@HaleysTusk That's the vibe I got! I'm not sure if she meant mainly CA or other places too.