Because of where I sat, when Haley entered, she flashed a smile of recognition. Smiles and giggles, Haley wore this very smart looking black jacket on over the outfit she would wear on stage She made her introductions and began singing. She did come over to say hi afterwards, I tried to recall what we spoke about, but 'blanking' out, it's not the first time it's happened.
I was one of the last ones to meet her, letting the young girls have their time w/ Haley first. I gave her one of the panoramic PMJ autographed posters. I told them the posters were from Ken and Greg. She signed mine, then said "well, might as well sign mine"
I also gave Haley, Morgan's best wishes. She knew I was going to see Haley, I told her when she messaged me asking how Haley was doing on Idol?
Once the line was done, I was surprised to see pretty much everyone had left... I guess maybe to grab a bite before the show, but more likely to get in line to get front row seats (As init mentioned, the Father and Daughter had seats in the row we moved to)
I think it surprised Haley too, as she looked around, also noticing it was basically Init, Haley the radio people and I in the room... so a few more minutes with Haley
I did tell Haley that there are going to be a lot of Haliens coming to her Chicago show, named a few, told her it's looking to be a pretty big gathering, she said she was excited for it
Once again, I made a probably futile case for her to have a show up in Seattle. I told her about Jazz Alley. I told Haley that Jazz Alley is a storied venue in Seattle, it's also the first venue Morgan perfomed in Seattle "proper". Morgan shared that info at the Triple Door. Jazz Alley said to send a
EPK to them. I asked her if I can get their attention again, maybe we could arrange something? Probably she was playing along, she sounded agreeable to it, I told her I already had her manager's address, I could send anything regarding it to him... doesn't hurt to try
I also had a chance to speak w/ Sheryl (station rep) at a table w/ Haley. Haley told her that I drove down from Seattle, we also talked about my channel and videos. I asked Sheryl if it'd be OK if I take video of the show, she said that shouldn't be any problem, to go ahead. If I got any decent video, to post it to her on FaceBook
The subject of not hearing CHFIL on their station on the drive down hear was disapointing came up. I wondered if they played it, Haley chimed in that they did, Sheryl confirming that they play it maybe 5 times a day. I just had bad timing.
So we said our farewells to Haley and headed to the exit where Quinton has breaking down equipment. I greeted him, shaking his hand. He told me he asked Haley earlier if I was coming.... I think it's possible Quinton creeps haley fans to know that maybe? Haley had told me this was the last radio show. We mentioned to Quinton she said that, he said, well the last show of this leg, they still have the east coast coming up.
I asked Quinton if I could get a photo of he and Haley, he said yes, but then the Station folk let us know they needed quiet as they were about to record Sheryl's interview of Haley.
We let ourselves out and as Init said, we went to grab some food before the show