Fun video...I've never been a 'fan' of Von's singing...he's definitely talented, just not something I listen to, as there are people who just don't 'get' Haley. That being said, when his vocals are used with good effect, such as in this video, it all actually works really well.... Also, I've seen some of his work and he definitely has a knack for working his aesthetic, seems to be fairly talented with direction and production.
Honestly, when you look at this video, at least for me, it kind of gives you a peek into what Scott has nurtured. What a great group of young talents
They may not be your style, but there will be someone that fits just right and others, who make you realise that you actually do like that their brand of showmanship....
We already know how unique Haley is, but really, Casey is the man. I try to figure out what about him, his voice I's not especially 'great'......I think maybe it's because it is especially 'real', in the same way Joe Cocker's voice dug into the songs he sang... his voice embodies Casey. In a way, the same can be said for Haley's voice an extension of her personality