The Euro tour is set for May 24 to June 5, but it doesn't appear HR3 will be launched this month.
Tusk reported Haley and Casey were no longer on the bill for Jazz in the Pines. The show was scheduled for Sunday 8-13-17.
Bryan, a fan in New Orleans, spoke with Haley after her show with Mayfield last night:
Quote:Said she hopes to come to New Orleans for the FALL ON HER OWN FOR A SHOW
Quote:"I'm gonna really push for it, when I start getting US dates after my European ones"
"I'm gonna really push for it" suggests that things are still in flux and the involvement of another party.
If there is indeed a fall tour being planned, we should soon have official word of Haley being signed and the schedule because they would want to promote the shows 2-3 months in advance.
At present, Haley is committed to performing with Dave Damiani in NJ every weekend in July (per his marketing materials). So it seems any "launch" promotions requiring personal appearances by Haley would come after that. Unless they do something in NYC?