Based on a tweet Brezzy made today, I've concluded they might be playing a private gig tonight, or for the record label. "Suits" are usually executives.
Quote:Breezy Lovejoy Breezy Lovejoy @BreezyLovejoy
@KEiTHPHELPS @JohnNotto @KortHaussProd yessir once again its on!! Bout to have these "suits" dancin on tables tonight!
I believe Breezy was at the Brazillian Court Hotel when he tweeted yesterday.
Image from one of his tweets:
Image from a travel magazine:
The cheapest room I could book there tonight would be $734.
Newspaper article:
Quote:The Brazilian Court, which has 80 hotel rooms, can't hold corporate events for hundreds of people, but it's a popular destination for executive retreats and small meetings. The ideal meeting size is about 50 people, Black said. In addition to a hotel ballroom and conservatory, there's a separate pavilion where bigwigs can meet in a private conference room and executive board room.
Quote:The 80 custom-redesigned suites all feature mahogany case goods and crown molding, Provence-style wood shutters, and king-size beds topped with imported linens. Pampered pets under 20 pounds (you know the type: held hostage in Mummy's Gucci bag) receive gift bags full of treats for a (required) one-time $100 pet fee. A large hotel by Palm Beach standards (the Breakers notwithstanding), Brazilian Court sprawls over half a block and features fountains and private courtyards. The only downside? A tiny pool where you feel you have to whisper. To counter the size is stellar poolside service -- order drinks or food and voila! A small Jacuzzi hidden from the pool is where shy types and celebs like to hide. Celebrity stylist Frederic Fekkai offers the hotel's premier salon and spa. With the addition of renowned chef Daniel Boulud's hauter-than-thou Café Boulud (which provides stellar room service and a great bar scene with live music), Brazilian Court is Palm Beach's number-one place to see and be seen.
Quote:Keith Phelps @KEiTHPHELPS
RT @BreezyLovejoy: We on some watch the throne type shit tonight -- haha , he quoted me!!"
Breezy just tweeted "showtime"
InItToWinIt figured out by the shot of the fancy hall they are actually playing at The Breakers tonight.
And that points to COKE/Olympics/NBC:
Quote:Rowdy Gaines @RowdyGaines
Early start to the day to speak at a breakfast hosted by Coke at the Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach...longest Olympic sponsor in history!
NBC Sports Commentator. 3-Time Olympic Gold Medalist.
Hmm. Might be a social media convention. This woman is followed on Twitter by Interscope:
Quote:Michelle McCormack Michelle McCormack @Michellemmm
Seeing the band Chicago tonight in a room w/ 200 people! (@ The Breakers Hotel & Resort w/ 3 others) [pic]:
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