5 years in the making, I finally got to make a half hour drive to see Haley perform live...
Haley was also able to take another 'request' I've been plugging for years off the list, to hear Haley sing Amy Winehouse's Valerie.....well, it was actually, Dylan and Haley, but I'll take it
I got to Chop Suey early. They had not sent out notice for the VIP, I called Ticket Fly who notified them, also they called me back to tell me the time, 5pm, which was unexpected service (It didn't matter anyway, like in Portland, there was 'technical fifficulties' so we would have to wait longer again.
When they finally let us in, I had talked to the manager earlier about my camera, so since he knew what I had in my bag already, I got to walk pass the security check, first to go in.
Earlier, outside in line, we could hear Haley 'tune up'/mess around on non WTS songs, one was Bob Marley
Is this Love.
Also, she and Dylan were dueting Winehouse's Valerie...which had my hopes up, they might perform it for mic check (in SF, they performed two covers I'd never heard Haley sing before, Day Tripper & Purple Haze)
When I was looking for 60's outfits to wear w/ to the shows, I wanted to get one of those caps like she has on WTS cover, but the only thing I could find was a faux leather one, Thinking along the lines of Brando, I wore it w/ a leather jacket, some peace signs etc.
So, anyways, I enter the room, Haley and the Band were randomly playing music, I explained my get up, that I knew it was more 50's than 60's but Haley and Dylan expressed their approval. So I went to Haley and jokingly said, something to the effect that it was mean to tease Valerie and not sing the song
As the other VIP's started coming in, I hurried to talk to the manager to confirm if I could use a monopod.... when I got back, I was greeted w/ a duet of Valerie....
Note the wink and finger point at the end