I've struggled w/ the board audio I've got from Morgan's shows at the Triple Door, mainly because they've been recorded at a very low level, causing me have to increase it's levels to even be audible. That's why many times, I use a secondary audio source to fill out, or boost what's from the board audio.
Fiddling around w/ this video, I gave it another shot. I think I found the right balance, as loud as I can make it w/o it getting distorted, which would be a shame because what's the point of having board audio if it sounds like crap?
The 'sacrifice' is, the videos I make that 'only' use the board audio by itself is usually at a lower level since I daren't make it so loud it's loses it's sound quality.
So for this video, bring your volume up a bit more than usual, and listen to how great Morgan sounds from board audio, great groove, some sublime notes