Having run my channel for nine years, this October 12th, the most contentious comment on my videos is "Why isn't she bigger", "Under rated" which of course is followed by fans w/ opinions, one in particular who has for almost ten years blamed Haley's decision to not sign w/ a label and go independent, relying on herself.
Fast forward, last week when two well respected Youtubers posted videos on the subject of song rights, labels and being an independent artist.
Rick Beato has quickly become a pre eminent resource about music and the music business. He has gained so much respect that HUGE names in the history of music have agreed to be interviewed by him like Joni Mitchell and Jimmy Page...
"The Legal Eagle" is a lawyer who simplifies legal matters for the common man to easily digest.
Haley's early years, post Idol, was significantly stalled because of the interscope fiasco, spending all that *advance* money on recording the album, video, hiring a touring band and all the touring expenses, only to be dropped w/ no promotion and absolutely no way to pay back the advance (aka loan). She was already in debt before her career even got started. Insisting she returns to the label is not that far off from telling a victim to return to their abuser.
If you recall, one of the first things Haley did after Idol was take some classes lead by her music lawyer, Dina Lapolt to at least have a little knowledge behind music rights. Haley also knows about the Beatles' songs rights issues, McCartney more specifically So, yeah, Labels are smoke and mirrors and aren't what is advertised.