RE: Free in Hot AC Top 40! (now Top 30)
Haley continued to leak spins today (-7, 644, #31), but at least she's not spiraling into FREE fall. Phillip (+22, 624, #32) is really picking up steam, and will pass her either tomorrow or the next day. The P2 pass will be balanced by the plummeting John Mayer (-88, 763, #28), who will sink below Haley by Thursday or Friday.
Also from below, FUN (+20, 568) is gaining fast and will likely zip past Haley over the weekend. The rest of the potential players, both above and below, are a bit further away from impact, so I'll hold off mentioning them for the time being.
Bottom line: Not a great report, but so long as Haley maintains a slow decline with periodic leveling it's not the end of the world. The key will be Interscope properly timing the release the the BoB beast, ideally before the big plummet, so she always maintains a radio presence without any major gaps.
Of course, part of me secretly fantasizes that they'll skip the BoB single, unleash Spiderweb upon the unsuspecting masses (ideally while Spiderman is still in theaters), and watch Haley take over the world!! That song is just TOO HOT to keep hidden in the back of the bonus tracks.