(07-04-2012, 06:10 PM)cherelann Wrote: We only think this is our birthplace. We have been telling stories for eons and we have come to believe that they are true. The ability to exist in a parallel universe could be just as easy as typing this sentence. Our biggest dilemma is overcoming the idea that this existence is the ultimate reality.
I've always believed things exist beyond our senses to detect them, doesn't mean they don't exist.
Quantum Theory and multi-verses on the other hand? Many of those theories stretch their classification of "science" as I understand the word. Get's to the point where you're basing your hypothesis on other hypothesis. Hypothesis, by definition is not fact. But then again, how sure are we of what is fact given our limited sensing abilities.
Slightly related: Who else thought it was amusing that the
"God Particle" (supposedly they've come reeeeeeeally close to 'finding' it) was originally named the
"Goddamn Particle" because the person who theorized about it was annoyed that it was so elusive to find, he later shortened it to the "God Particle".
All this time, I thought it was some kind of pseudo religous joke by scientists against creationists