RE: Haley on The View July 6th
It was 102 degrees today (for Tusk that is Fahrenheit) in the Twin Cities, and 64 at the family cabin in northern Minnesota about 220 miles from here. I chose to come back from the cabin to the Cities on the 4th, which is just bad timing. So I get back and the A/C goes out at home, more bad timing. I call the A/C repair guy and he pushes a little reset button inside the condenser (box that sits outside the house) and declares there's a bad fan motor...$520 + the $89 trip charge. Don't get your cardboard all twisted-up LovinDa, there is a Haley point to all of this. The bottom line...Buzz is no tool, but knows how to use them. I paid the $89 (skipped the new motor) and did a little research and testing...ended up today buying a new capacitor (less than $20) and put it in myself...tada A/C working again.
So, I get done with my A/C project around 2 pm today, feeling like I left halfaBuzz out by the condenser in a puddle of perspiration, but totally elated with the cost savings. If you're hot and we know Haley is...Nothing replenishes the body better than a Haley performance on TV. I took a lovely cold beverage to the couch, grabbed the remote and watched Haley on The View...DVR heaven skipping the ladies. I only watched it 6 times before the wiffey said break time was over.
I thought Haley really stood out in the post performance interview with The View Crew standing around her. Whoopi with multiple "fantastics" and acknowledging the crowd as giving Haley special love. I loved everything about the performance. The best lead-in so far with the HOTRS clip and the well written script to introduce her. Very nice guitar work by John and Haley sells herself again with great vocals and the whole visual was great! She looks like a star, and people in the entertainment industry acknowledge this too.
So, if you're fried, dried or's always perfect timing to take in some Haley and refresh the soul.