Jackie Tohn, Season 8 American Idol contestant, as a guest commentator on Yahoo! Music's Reality Rocks (4/22/11):
Quote:Haley for me is one of the freshest girls I've seen on Idol ever...That girl is a ridiculous singer. I can't even put my brain...like, when you're a singer, you have to, like, go there in your head, like Can I go there, can I... oh I kind of know I can't do that. She doesn't even have that. Like, she just goes anywhere she tries. And J Lo said that to her one night, she was like, "You don't even have a barrier vocally." So for me, her voice is so gorgeous, that I could definitely do with some less "growl." And I think that's why she polarizes people. A lot of my friends are like, "Oh, that girl that growls all the time?" And I'm like, "Are you hearing how sick her voice is under that?"